Title for Final Year Project : The Development of Badminton Trainer
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As an introduction to the project that will be carried out, below are some information about the project.
Development of Badminton Trainer is an improved electromechanical badminton
trainer to enhance players’ skills. Basically the purpose for the badminton
trainer is to propel light materials within the expectation area in which in
this case is referring to shuttlecocks.
researches are done about the trainer and the reliability method was found to
be one of the best method to assure the badminton trainer will work efficiently,
effectively and user friendly. The
badminton trainer is a machine that can propel light material such as shuttlecock
to make it easier for badminton training purposes instead of manually handled
by human.
In this project, a simple concept of ballistic is used which the
definition of ballistic is the science of mechanics that deals with behaviours
and effects of the projectiles, especially bullets, rockets or heavy materials.
In sports such as tennis and baseball, they use the concept of ballistic
control via using the launcher to propel tennis ball or baseball to the player
within the range.
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