Friday, March 30, 2012


As the date for the Presentation Day draws nearer, I have done some studies related to the possible outcomes for my badminton trainer. This is done in order to ensure that the materials listed are enough and also to avoid spending on things that will not be used in fabricating the project.

The studies are also done to determine or to plan as we future engineers, we need to construct some things according to our plan and not by just following how it goes. by learning the possible outcome, I will be able to explain to others about my plan for my badminton trainer.

For my badminton trainer, I am planning to make it a mobile machine as it can moves from left to right and the 'head' of my badminton trainer, it can rotate 45 degrees by using the middle of the machine as its point of rotation.

Anyhow, I will post another entry explaining more detail about my project soon.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Based on the researches that i have made for the past few weeks, i have listed some materials, items and components needed for fabricating my badminton trainer.

The materials needed are as listed below;

  • RC Servo Motor

  • PIC 16F877A

  • 40 Pins Start-up Kit

  • PIC Programmer

  • Power Supply Adapter

  • Paintball Marker

  • HPA Tank

  • Shuttlecocks

Above are some of the materials needed. In the future there might be some addition on the list of the materials as I have not really confirmed that the above are all I need to complete my project.

Based on the materials listed above, I might have some problems regarding the Paintball Marker. From past researches that I have made, purchasing a Paintball Marker requires a license and it is sold with an expensive price. I will discussed with my supervisor regarding the problems and we will come out with some solution to overcome it.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I have submitted my project proposal to my supervisor on the last day of the academic week that is on Friday. My supervisor revised my project proposal and he commented some mistakes that i made.

However he did not ask me to re-do the proposal as he is satisfied with my work. He just commented that I should list the objectives in point form and also the literature review does not have to include the writers name or initials after each statement made.

Overall, my supervisor said that my proposal is acceptable and I can proceed with the next agenda for my project.

Friday, March 9, 2012


This week I done some researches on the internet about what problems might occur without the presence of a badminton trainer. There are some videos that might give you some clues on the purpose of my project.

For the first video below, we can see that the badminton player is training by playing against the wall. As a result of hitting a shuttlecock to the wall, it will shorten the life span of the shuttlecock as it is not made to be played against a hard concrete wall.

For the second video embedded below is the video of our number ONE world badminton player, Lee Chong Wei. Now if we see in the video, LCW is doing training with other player or coach. What i want to state here is that the player need to improve his methods and skills in order to be better and better.

As for LCW, he needs a machine to help him improve as human skills that is used to train him is not stable as human gets tired. Thus a machine is a suitable trainer for training purposes.

There are also a lot of other videos related to my project that I can use to prove that the objectives for my final year project are suitable and acceptable.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


De Seis Semanas!
 Yes, it is the sixth week!

This was the week when I think I am good in drawing stuffs but yes, I am nowhere close to be an architect or an artist. Anyway, this week I done some sketches regarding the design of my project.

The sketches for my project are inspired by my surroundings as such when staring at the fan, toys and also based on my observation and internet browsing as such in YouTube and lots more.

The sketches are a bit messy and also they do not really show the exact final product as I think there will be a lot more improvement to do regarding the design of the project. It seems to be that some things need to be added in the future.

The sketches are made in order to show some clues to the supervisor and also to myself. It can really help me in doing researches regarding the items, components and some other things that are needed in fabricating the badminton trainer.

However, there will be some updates about the design of the project from time to time. =)