Saturday, March 3, 2012


De Seis Semanas!
 Yes, it is the sixth week!

This was the week when I think I am good in drawing stuffs but yes, I am nowhere close to be an architect or an artist. Anyway, this week I done some sketches regarding the design of my project.

The sketches for my project are inspired by my surroundings as such when staring at the fan, toys and also based on my observation and internet browsing as such in YouTube and lots more.

The sketches are a bit messy and also they do not really show the exact final product as I think there will be a lot more improvement to do regarding the design of the project. It seems to be that some things need to be added in the future.

The sketches are made in order to show some clues to the supervisor and also to myself. It can really help me in doing researches regarding the items, components and some other things that are needed in fabricating the badminton trainer.

However, there will be some updates about the design of the project from time to time. =)

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